1. Delivery time
The Mall will do its best to complete the delivery within the specified time after the order is confirmed. The specific delivery time may vary depending on the type of goods, stock availability, logistics and other factors. Users can view the estimated delivery time in the order details.

2. Logistics inquiry
Users can understand the order logistics information through the logistics inquiry function provided by the mall or contact the customer service of the mall.

3. Precautions
Receiving inspection: The user should check the goods in time when receiving the goods. If the goods are found damaged or inconsistent with the order, please contact the customer service of the mall immediately.
Delivery address: The user must ensure that the delivery address provided is accurate to avoid delivery delays or loss due to address errors.

User agreement| Privacy policy| Business operations| Refund Policy| Exchange Policy| Delivery Policy

Copyright © 2023 365 Wines All Rights Reserved。

Alcoholic beverages are only available for purchase by person over the age of 18 years old and above Technical support:Huaxia Business Network

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