User Agreement
Date: December 2023
365 Wine Cellar is legally operated by 365 Winery Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "365 Winery") and provides services under the terms and requirements of this User Service Agreement.
"365 Wine Cellar" refers to a wine sales and display software operated by the 365 Wine Industry (including but not limited to the website and mobile client, etc.)
"User" refers to any end user who registers, logs in, uses 365 wine cellar services, or conducts searches through 365 wine cellars.
"365 Wine Cellar" refers to 365 Liquor Industry Co., Ltd.
Effectiveness and Change of Agreement
This agreement is an agreement between the user and 365 Cellar regarding the user's use of 365 Cellar and its related services. When the user opens or uses a certain service, it may involve a separate agreement for a certain service. All separate agreements are an integral part of this agreement and have the same legal effect as the main body of the agreement. When users visit, browse, and use various services and services provided by 365 Cellar, they indicate that they have accepted the terms of this service agreement and agree to be bound by it. Users also guarantee that the information they submit is true, accurate, timely, and complete. If the user disagrees with the terms of this agreement, please stop the registration process. The user referred to in this service agreement refers to the service recipient who fully agrees to all the terms of this service agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Service Terms") and accesses or browses relevant pages. Therefore, users must carefully read and fully understand the contents of each clause of this agreement, especially the clauses that exempt or limit liability. Limitations and exemptions may be reminded to users in bold form.
365 Cellar reserves the right to change, modify, add or remove the terms of this service agreement at any future time at its own discretion. All modified agreements form part of this service agreement. 365 Cellar has the right to modify the service terms at any time. Once there is a change in the service terms, 365 Cellar will publicly announce the modified content. When users use any service provided by 365 Cellar, they should accept the rules or instructions related to the service terms provided by 365 Cellar at any time, and all such rules or instructions form part of these service terms. If users do not agree to the modification of the service terms, they can proactively cancel the services they have already received; If the user continues to enjoy the service, it shall be deemed that the user has accepted the modification of the service terms.
Provision, Change, and Suspension of Services
The 365 Cellar provides users with the services of the 365 Cellar according to the current technology and conditions, and makes every effort to ensure the safety and stability of the services. At the same time, the 365 Cellar is constantly changing and improving its services. 365 Cellar may add or remove some services of 365 Cellar, or suspend or completely stop this service. If the user stops using this service or the service is terminated or cancelled, 365 Cellar can permanently delete the user's data from the server. After the service is stopped, terminated or cancelled, 365 Cellar is not obligated to return any data to the user. The user agrees that 365 Wine Cellar has the right to exercise the above rights without any liability to the user or any third party.
User usage
1) Commercial
The user promises that without the consent of 365 Cellar, they cannot use 365 Cellar services for sales or other commercial purposes. If users need to use 365 wine cellar services for commercial purposes, they should notify 365 wine cellar in writing and obtain clear authorization from 365 wine cellar.
2) Legal use
(1) Users have the sole right to use the 365 Cellar and its services in the manner and within the scope stipulated by law and this agreement, and shall independently assume all legal responsibilities for all actions taken by them in the 365 Cellar or through their registered accounts (including but not limited to content uploading, information publishing or forwarding, speech expression, etc.).
(2) Users are not allowed to directly or indirectly engage in or permit others to engage in any infringement or potential infringement of the intellectual property rights and related rights of the 365 wine cellar or third parties through the use of the 365 wine cellar for any purpose. Otherwise, the legal responsibility arising from this shall be borne independently by the user.
(3) Without the written permission of 365 Cellar, regardless of whether it is for profit or not, users are not allowed to (entrust a third party) reverse engineer, reverse compile, or post assemble 365 Cellar, or use 365 Cellar and its services to develop derivative products, works, services, plugins, plugins, compatibility, interconnection, and other related behaviors. Otherwise, 365 Cellar has the right to pursue the user's infringement liability.
3) Regarding the use of usernames and nicknames
(1) It is not allowed to use the real names, trade names, stage names, and pen names of party and state leaders or other well-known individuals as usernames and nicknames;
(2) Do not use the names of national or other institutions as usernames and nicknames;
(3) Do not use usernames and nicknames that are similar or similar to those of other netizens;
(4) Do not use uncivilized, unhealthy, or offensive or insulting usernames and nicknames;
(5) Please do not use usernames and nicknames that are prone to ambiguity and may cause misunderstandings among others;
(6) Do not use various strange symbols as usernames and nicknames;
For usernames and nicknames that violate regulations or result in adverse consequences, this website has the right to delete them without prior notice.
4) Regarding the rules for publishing and commenting content
(1) The published content should comply with relevant laws and regulations, public order, and social ethics;
(2) It is strictly prohibited to publish content that involves or may involve the following aspects: endangering network security, endangering national security, honor and interests, inciting subversion of state power, overthrowing socialist system, inciting division of the country, undermining national unity, promoting terrorism, extremism, national hatred and discrimination, spreading violence, obscene and pornographic information, fabricating and disseminating false information to disrupt economic and social order, And infringe upon the reputation, privacy, intellectual property, and other legitimate rights and interests of others;
(3) Using civilized language and not posting personal attacks, insults, or slanders against anyone;
(4) Unauthorized or unverified information shall not be posted;
(5) Do not post messages, comments, or images unrelated to the theme of the forum;
(6) The reposted article should indicate the original source and time;
365 Wine Cellar has the right to delete content that violates the above regulations without notice or explanation, and to seal accounts for those with serious circumstances.
5) About texture rules
(1) It is prohibited to post any images that promote reactionary, feudal superstition, obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terrorism, instigation of crimes, etc. that do not comply with national laws and regulations, as well as any images that contain racial, gender, religious discrimination and obscene content;
(2) No images with insulting, provocative, insulting or unhealthy content shall appear; Please do not use images that are prone to ambiguity and may cause misunderstandings among others;
(3) Please indicate the source and author of the excerpted or reposted images. It is prohibited to post images that infringe on the intellectual property rights of others, such as copyright;
(4) Do not post images unrelated to the forum theme:
365 Wine Cellar has the right to delete images that violate the above regulations without notice or explanation, and to seal accounts for those with serious circumstances.
Prohibit users from engaging in the following behaviors:
Upload, post, send, or transmit any illegal, obscene, pornographic, vulgar, coercive, harassing, or defaming others, defaming, infringing on their privacy, or defaming their reputation or reputation, as well as any other inappropriate information or email that violates national laws and regulations, socialist moral standards, and inappropriate information, including but not limited to information, materials, text, software, music, photos, graphics, information Video or other materials (hereinafter referred to as content).
Harm minors in any way.
Impersonating any person or organization, or falsely claiming or mistakenly believing to be related to any person or organization in a false and untrue manner.
Upload, post, send emails, or otherwise transmit content that is not authorized for transmission.
Upload, post, send emails, or otherwise transmit content that infringes on anyone's patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, or other civil rights.
Upload, post, send emails, or otherwise transmit advertising letters, promotional materials, spam emails, etc.
Violation of any relevant Chinese laws, regulations, rules, or other legally binding norms.
Limitation of Liability and Force Majeure
365 Cellar will make every effort to improve and enhance its services, and provide this service to users in its current state. 365 Cellar does not provide any type of guarantee, whether express or implied. For example, 365 Cellar does not guarantee that this service will definitely meet the user's requirements, the service will not be interrupted, the timeliness, safety, authenticity of the service, and the service will not make any mistakes. However, 365 Cellar will do its best to minimize the losses and impacts caused to the user as a result.
365 Wine Cellar does not provide any guarantees or assume any damages caused by the services provided by 365 Wine Cellar to users. Especially for commercial advertising information, social networking information, etc. obtained by users through the services provided by 365 Liquor Industry, if users engage in any behavior through the above-mentioned "information" obtained, they must carefully identify the authenticity of the information and prevent possible risks. 365 Liquor Cellar will not bear any direct, indirect, incidental or derivative losses and responsibilities for the user's personal behavior.
365 Wine Cellar shall not be liable for losses caused by force majeure factors such as faults, technical defects, coverage limitations, force majeure, computer viruses, hacker attacks, etc. of the mobile communication network of domestic and foreign basic telecommunications operators involved in this service.
All notifications sent to users can be transmitted through electronic components, regular letters, or prominently displayed announcements within the 365 wine cellar. The 365 wine cellar will use one of the above methods to convey messages to users, informing them of modifications to service terms, service changes, etc.
legal liability
If a user violates the provisions of this agreement upon discovering or receiving reports or complaints from others, 365 Wine Cellar has the right to delete the relevant content without notice, and impose penalties including but not limited to warnings, restrictions or prohibitions on the use of all or part of the functions, account suspension or cancellation on the violating account based on the severity of the behavior, and announce the results of the handling.
The user understands and agrees that 365 Wine Cellar has the right to impose penalties on those who violate relevant laws and regulations or the provisions of this agreement based on reasonable judgment, take appropriate legal actions against any violators, and report relevant information to relevant departments in accordance with laws and regulations. The user shall bear all legal responsibilities arising from this.
The user understands and agrees that any claim, demand or loss claimed by any third party, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising from the user's violation of this agreement or related service terms shall be fully compensated by the user for 365 wine cellar and such third party, and shall be held harmless.
Legal Application and Jurisdiction
This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China (excluding Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan), and any disputes arising therefrom shall be submitted to the jurisdiction of the People's Court of the domicile of 365 Winery Co., Ltd.
Effective conditions
This agreement shall come into effect from the time when the user accesses, browses, and uses the 365 wine cellar.
Contact information
If you have any comments on this agreement, please feel free to contact us as follows, and we will do our best to provide you with assistance
(1) Official hotline: +65 62229077
(2) Enterprise email:

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Alcoholic beverages are only available for purchase by person over the age of 18 years old and above Technical support:Huaxia Business Network

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