1. Refund conditions
365 Mall (hereinafter referred to as "Mall") is committed to providing users with a quality shopping experience. In order to protect the rights and interests of users, the following refund policy is formulated:
Not enjoying the service: The user does not enjoy the corresponding service after purchasing the product.
Quality problems: The product received by the user has quality problems.
Description Discrepancy: The product received by the user does not match the actual product description.

2. Application process
Time limit: Refund request must be made within 7 days of purchase.
Submit the application: Users need to log in to the mall, go to the order page to submit the refund application, and provide the order number, refund reasons and relevant vouchers (such as order screenshots, product photos, etc.).
Review and notification: The Mall will review the application within 3 working days after receiving it, and notify the user of the review result by email or website letter.
Refund processing: If the application is approved, the mall will refund the refund to the user's payment account within 7 working days after approval. If the application is rejected, the Mall will explain the reason and provide further solutions.

3. Precautions
Information accuracy: Users should fill in the refund application form carefully and provide accurate information and necessary supporting materials to speed up the refund processing time.
Product return: After the refund application is approved, the user will no longer enjoy any rights and interests related to the product, and need to return the product to the mall in a timely manner.
Policy Modification: The Mall reserves the right to modify the refund policy without prior notice to the user.

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Alcoholic beverages are only available for purchase by person over the age of 18 years old and above Technical support:Huaxia Business Network

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